We’re so excited to partner with Inter/Access for an upcoming workshop called Experimental Surfaces : Machine Stitching, Water Soluble Stabilizer, and Unexpected Materials led by local artist Amanda McCavour.

This workshop will focus on constructing dynamic, textured, mixed media surfaces with machine and hand embroidery. Collage techniques will be combined with the use of water soluble stabilizer.  Students will be encouraged to experiment with an assortment of materials like plastics, papers, and yarns to create a variety of samples. These samples will be used to explore different texture and colour combinations. Students will then expand these tests into a larger piece.

Instructor Amanda McCavour uses a sewing machine to create thread drawings and installations. By sewing into fabric that dissolves in water, she can build up stitched lines on a temporary surface. The crossing threads create strength so that when the fabric is dissolved, the thread drawing can hold together without a base. With only the thread remaining, these images appear as though they would be easily unraveled and seemingly on the verge of falling apart, despite the works raveled strength. More on Amanda McCavour’s work at her website.

The workshop takes place Saturday June 18th, 2016, 11am–4pm at the workroom studio.

images courtesy of Amanda McCavour

May 06, 2016 — Karyn Valino